Category Archives: Friday Quick Fic

New Fic: Branston


Daniel Craig as James Bond and Ben Whishaw as Q in ‘Spectre’

I’m trying to get my writing practice back up and running after a long silence.  I wrote this 00Q quick fic a few weeks ago, and I thought you might like it.

‘He is halfway through his second triangle when he becomes aware of a figure standing by the wall, looking out over the churning water.  It’s a stocky, pugilistic figure, dressed in a black wool overcoat, a man with a pugnacious face and an incongruous tan.  A man with a profile Q would know anywhere.

 Q’s stomach does a back flip, and his mouth goes instantly dry.’

You can read the full story here, at AO3.

Happy Creating,


Friday Quick Fic: Mattress Topper

mattress topper

Sometimes something silly just falls out of my head and onto the page.  Thats where this little Friday Quickfic came from.

I was thinking about silly writing prompts and, having watched the epsiode of ‘Lewis’ which involves Lewis having a bad back, forcing him to buy an orthopedic mattress, I wondered if I could get anything out of ‘orthopedic mattress’ as a prompt.

I know, I know.

Its a bit obvious, right?

Anyway, I hope it makes you laugh.  You can read it here, at AO3.

Happy Creating,


Friday Quick Fic: Suppose you threw a love affair and nobody came?

Kevin Whately and Laurence Fox in ITV's 'Lewis'

Kevin Whately and Laurence Fox in ITV’s ‘Lewis’

I promised myself I would never do it again, but I just can’t seem to help myself.

I made a new quick fic.  A Lewis one.  I made it for Lee, because she was kind to me when I needed it.  Thank you Lee.  I’m grateful.  You gave me faith.   I hope you enjoy it.

” ‘I said,’ James repeats with slightly slurred emphasis. ‘What if you threw a love affair and nobody came? Like throwing a party? That’s my life. That’s exactly how my life has been.’”

You can find it exclusively here at AO3.

Happy Creating,


Friday Quickfic: Cooking Breakfast

Kevin Whately and Laurence Fox in ITV's 'Lewis'

Kevin Whately and Laurence Fox in ITV’s ‘Lewis’

Its been a long time since I conjured up a quickfic for you.  I wrote this little morsel while I was on my writers retreat last weekend.  My fellow writers liked it, and I hope you will too.  Just a little bit of Lewis romance to start your weekend off with a smile.  Here’s a taste:

  ” He is in the kitchen, dancing his Sunday morning sarabande amongst the pans.

            You stand in the shadows of the hall, take a moment, watch him lit up by the morning sun, count your blessings. Because it wasn’t supposed to be like this. You weren’t supposed to get this lucky twice in one lifetime. If you believed in God, you’d thank Him. (Never mind, leave all the thanking God to James.)”

You can read it here at AO3, or if you prefer, here at

If you like it, you’ll be glad to know that I am working on a companion piece, told from James’ POV.  Watch this space!

Happy Creating,


Friday Quickfic: Don’t tell me what to do unless you’re naked!

John and Sherlock - Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch in BBC's 'Sherlock'.

John and Sherlock – Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch in BBC’s ‘Sherlock’.

Sometimes a story pops into your head that is just begging to be written.  Sometimes, you just can’t help it.  Sometimes, you just have to be naughty.  Sometimes, being a tiny bit wicked is the only way to make the world seem a better place.  ‘Bawdy’, Atlin Merrick once called me.  I take it as a complement.

So, in celebration of that spirit, I offer you today’s slice of naughtiness.  I haven’t written a Sherlock fic in quite a while, so it was a nice little self-starter.  I hope you like it.

A Taster:

“The incriminating words were out of his mouth, and then he couldn’t swallow them back, couldn’t reel them in. They seemed to float in front of his eyes for a moment, a skein of humiliation, the letters glowing a wanton scarlet.

He never did this. His will was of iron. No sentiment. No human weakness. No Freudian slips. And above all, no desire.

And then those secret little daydreams that he had been nurturing, hiding them away even from himself, unfurled a frond, a delicate tendril that encircled his tongue like a noose and tripped him over.”

You can read ‘Don’t tell me what to do unless you’re naked’ here on AO3, or here, on

Happy Creating,




Friday FanFic: In Praise of Plato

John and Sherlock - Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch in BBC's 'Sherlock'.

John and Sherlock – Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch in BBC’s ‘Sherlock’.

Olivianoelle14 messaged me on a little while ago to ask me if I would consider transferring my old fic, ‘In Praise of Plato’, to AO3, on the grounds that the interface there is so much easier to read.

How could I refuse?

When I went back and looked at it, I decided to make a few tiny amendments.  Its two whole years since I wrote it, and it feels like a lifetime.  I can’t believe I wrote 38 fics that year.  Not all of them were publishable, or published, but still, I must have been on a huge roll!  I certainly haven’t matched that output since.

Anyway, here is a much loved old faithful for you to enjoy.

“‘They don’t understand how two men can be so devoted to one another, and be sharing a flat, and not be having sex. It doesn’t fit into their stereotype system. They can’t fathom how it can be possible, and therefore they fear it.’”

Read it here on AO3.

Happy Creating,


Friday Quickfic: Locked In

Kevin Whately as Robbie Lewis and Laurence Fox as James Hathaway in ITV's 'Lewis'.

Kevin Whately as Robbie Lewis and Laurence Fox as James Hathaway in ITV’s ‘Lewis’.

I’m off on the annual summer tour of the family over the next week, and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to post as often as usual – you’ll no doubt still find me on Instagram, though!

In the meantime, here’s a little Lewis schmaltz to make you smile.  Get it here on AO3 or here on  Virtual cookies for anyone who can pick out all the movie references.

Here’s a little taster:

‘Right, you two. This-‘ She held up a key. ‘-is the key to my office door. And I am going to walk out and lock it behind me. And you two are going to stay in here until you’ve sorted this out. One way or another. Because I cannot stand another bloody minute of it, do you hear? Oh, and Hathaway?

‘Yes, Ma’am?’ James’s head snapped up.

‘Try not to make too much of a mess of my desk, please?’

Happy Creating everyone,


Friday QuickFic: Seeing in the Dark

Laurence Fox as James Hathaway and Kevin Whately as Robbie Lewis in ITV's 'Lewis'.

Laurence Fox as James Hathaway and Kevin Whately as Robbie Lewis in ITV’s ‘Lewis’.

I’ve been struggling all week to recover from my looking after the wrinklies last weekend, so you can imagine my amazement when this little number boiled out of my head yesterday afternoon!  A little Lewis angst for a Friday afternoon.  I seem to be big on cuddles these days again.  Maybe that augers well for other works.  But don’t quote me on that.

A taster:

“Suddenly its dark. Not the kind of dark you get in his flat at night, that eerie apricot glow from the street lamps filtering through the curtains. Not even the kind of dark you get on dark nights, shadows catching at the edges of your vision. No, this is the utter absence of light. Blackness in all its soul-crushing emptiness.

He hears James cry out.


And then some metallic thumping. Angry fists on a rusty blast door.

‘Bloody hell!’ There is real fury in that shout. And something else Lewis can’t put a name to yet, something hovering in the tone. No, can’t be. He dismisses it.”

You can find it here on A03, and here at

Happy reading,


Friday Fanfic: Role Reversal

Sorry I am late posting today.  Its been a very bad ME/CFS day, and I went back to bed as soon as I’d showered this morning because I felt so bad.  Sometimes it happens.  When it does, the only thing to do is to go with it.  Frankly, though, I’m not surprised.  I’ve been writing like a dervish all week, and was bound to run out of energy eventually.  I need to work out how to manage my bursts of creativity better, but the trouble is that when you are in the middle of one, you just get carried away with the thrill and relief of finally being able to write!

That said, I’ve been giving ‘Three Weddings and an Explosion’ a bit of a poke today, and seeing what I can make of the dog ends of Part 2 which has been sitting on my hard disk for two years while my dear, loyal readers wait far more patiently than I deserve for the resolution of the cliffhanger to see the light.  Soon, my pretties, soon…

Oh, and I’ve been playing on Twitter, where you can now find me as ‘evenlode27‘.  Its very obvious to me that I could get addicted to Twitter very, very easily…

Kevin Whately and Laurence Fox in ITV's 'Lewis'

Kevin Whately and Laurence Fox in ITV’s ‘Lewis’

In the meantime, here is a juicy little omegaverse I was working on last weekend.  I had originally thought it would make a good Quickfic, but its got huge, so I’m going to publish it in three daily chapters.  Its very smutty.  Don’t say you weren’t warned.

You can find Role Reversal here at AO3 and here at

Do please comment if you can, I am so grateful for your feedback, and always encouraged by it.

Happy Creating,


Bank Holiday Bonus Quickfic: Hats

Laurence Fox as James Hathaway and Kevin Whately as Robbie Lewis in ITV's 'Lewis'.

Laurence Fox as James Hathaway and Kevin Whately as Robbie Lewis in ITV’s ‘Lewis’.

It looks like I’ve got my writing mojo back!  Hooray!  Two fanfics in two days, though Sherlockians will be disappointed that they aren’t Johnlocks but Lewis fics.  Never mind, there is more Sherlock to come, I am sure.  In the meantime, I knocked off this shameless bit of slop and couldn’t wait to share it with you.  I hope you like it as much as I do.

Here’s a little taster:

“They stared into the glittering surface of the river. A fish was lingering amongst the weeds. James could see the grey-brown sliver of its body amidst the golden shimmer of the evening light’s reflections. A pair of couples came out of the pub and sat down at the picnic table nearby, chatting together.

‘Tried on any new hats lately?’ Lewis asked after a while.

‘Hats don’t really suit me, sir,’ James said. ‘You know that.’”

Read ‘Hats’ here at AO3, or here at

Don’t forget to comment, I love your feedback!

Happy Creating,